兒童發展基金 - Child Development Fund (#4209)



兒童發展基金 計劃於2008年成立,為期3年,以10至16歲來自低收入家庭的學童為對象,透過推行個人發展規劃、師友配對及目標儲蓄等3個主要元素,協助兒童學習善用資源、規劃未來,擴闊個人社交網絡及培養持續的儲蓄習慣。香港基督教青年會於2014年開始營辦計劃,至今已協助519名兒童。 Child Development Fund Founded in 2008, this 3-year project aims to encourage the underprivileged children aged 10-16 to enhance their abilities in resource management and future planning, expand their personal network and help them develop a persistent savings habit through 3 major components - Personal Development Plan, Mentorship and Targeted Savings. The YMCA of Hong Kong has joined the project since 2014 and helped 519 children.

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